member benefits
PAMA offers individuals, schools and companies networking and professional opportunities. Members are eligible to become involved in local chapters, and take advantage of Member Resources.
Membership categories
Regular Membership
To be eligible for regular membership, an applicant must be certificated under Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 65, subpart D—Mechanics or Subpart E—Repairman, or foreign national aviation authority equivalent, or hold a Federal Communications Commission General Radio and Telephone certificate. Regular members are granted voting rights and may serve as an officer or director of the association. To join or renew, select one of the options below.
To be eligible for regular membership, an applicant must be certificated under Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 65, subpart D—Mechanics or Subpart E—Repairman, or foreign national aviation authority equivalent, or hold a Federal Communications Commission General Radio and Telephone certificate. Regular members are granted voting rights and may serve as an officer or director of the association. To join or renew, select one of the options below.
Associate Membership
To be eligible for associate membership, an applicant must be an individual actively engaged in the field of aviation and not otherwise eligible for membership (e.g., consultant, drone operators, etc.). Associate members are granted voting rights and may serve as an officer or director of the association. To join or renew, select one of the options below.
To be eligible for associate membership, an applicant must be an individual actively engaged in the field of aviation and not otherwise eligible for membership (e.g., consultant, drone operators, etc.). Associate members are granted voting rights and may serve as an officer or director of the association. To join or renew, select one of the options below.
Company Membership
To be eligible for company membership, the applicant must be a corporate entity actively engaged in aviation and not otherwise eligible for membership (e.g., manufacturers, airlines, repair stations, parts distributors, drone operators, etc.). Company membership includes regular membership for one primary corporate representative. Company memberships are granted one vote (including those corporations with multiple locations) and the primary representative may serve as an officer or director of the association. To join or renew, select one of the options below.
To be eligible for company membership, the applicant must be a corporate entity actively engaged in aviation and not otherwise eligible for membership (e.g., manufacturers, airlines, repair stations, parts distributors, drone operators, etc.). Company membership includes regular membership for one primary corporate representative. Company memberships are granted one vote (including those corporations with multiple locations) and the primary representative may serve as an officer or director of the association. To join or renew, select one of the options below.
Educational Membership
To be eligible for educational membership, an institution must hold an FAA 14 CFR part 147 certificate. Includes membership for one primary school representative. Educational memberships are granted one vote (including those schools with multiple locations) and the primary representative may serve as an officer or director of the association. To join or renew, select one of the options below.
To be eligible for educational membership, an institution must hold an FAA 14 CFR part 147 certificate. Includes membership for one primary school representative. Educational memberships are granted one vote (including those schools with multiple locations) and the primary representative may serve as an officer or director of the association. To join or renew, select one of the options below.
Student Membership
To be eligible for student membership, an applicant must be enrolled in an avionics or FAA 14 CFR part 147 airframe & powerplant program, or participating in an apprenticeship or internship.
To be eligible for student membership, an applicant must be enrolled in an avionics or FAA 14 CFR part 147 airframe & powerplant program, or participating in an apprenticeship or internship.
Military Membership
To be eligible for military membership, an applicant must be an active member of the armed forces with relevant aviation maintenance experience. Military members are granted voting rights and may serve as an officer or director of the association.
To be eligible for military membership, an applicant must be an active member of the armed forces with relevant aviation maintenance experience. Military members are granted voting rights and may serve as an officer or director of the association.